
Radiology services close to you

Radiologikeskus offers services both in its own locations and on the service providers' premises. In addition to this, our Mobile Mammography unit tours around southern Finland in the municipalities under contract. Find the office closest to you or check out the schedule of the Mobile Mammography units and book an appointment!


Keskuskatu 15, 2nd floor, 11100 Riihimäki

• Mammography Screenings


So far the unit serves at an agreed time.

Book an appointment by calling  044 414 4000 Mon - Fri at 8:00 - 18:00.
Call price local network charge/mobile call charge.


Rajakatu 3, 87100 Kajaani

• Mammography screenings

• Yksityisasiakkaiden kuvantaminen Pihlajalinnan lähetteellä. 

Kajaanin Radiologikeskuksen aukioloajat ovat ma-to klo 8-16 ja pe klo 8-14.  

Book an appointment by calling 044 414 4000 Mon-Fri at 8:00 - 18:00.
Call price local network charge/mobile call charge.

Mobile Mammography unit

Mobile Mammography unit – services close to you

Mobile Mammography units are a touring screening solution that ensures the availability of services even in the more remote areas. In addition to mammography, the Mobile Mammography units offers the possibility to make required clarification examinations by utilising an ultrasound.

See the estimated schedule for both Mobile Mammography Units from mammography screening page.

Book an appointment by calling 044 414 4000 Mon-Fri at 8:00-18:00
Call price local network charge/mobile call charge.

Kajaanin Radiologikeskuksen aukioloajat ovat ma-to klo 8-16 ja pe 8-14.