

Mammography refers to a chest x-ray that examines breast changes and tumors. Mammography is the primary method of breast imaging in people over 30 years of age after the onset of symptoms. You can also seek mammography to check your breasts, especially if you have a family history of breast cancer.

Mammography pictures are taken by a trained radiologist. During imaging, the chest is pressed. The compression is momentary and the machine automatically releases the compression after the picture is taken. The reading of the mammography images is performed by a radiologist and the examination is supplemented, if necessary, by an ultrasound examination performed by a radiologist. In the case of ultrasound, it is possible to perform the necessary sampling to ensure a smoother treatment path.


Symptoms of breast cancer

Rintasyöpä voi aiheuttaa monenlaisia oireita, nämä oireet vaihtelevat yksilöllisesti. Usein epäily rintasyövästä syntyy, kun rinnasta löytyy tunnusteltaessa kyhmy. Mikäli havaitset jotain alla mainituista oireista tai muita sinua huolettavia oireita, otathan yhteyttä lääkäriisi.

Nipple changes

Nipple changes

A nodule that feels different

A nodule that feels different

Change in size or shape

Change in size or shape

Nännistä vuotava neste

Fluid leaking from the nipple

Punoitus ja muut ihomuutokset

Redness and other skin changes

Withdrawal of the skin into the pit

Withdrawal of the skin into the pit

Pain in the chest or armpit area

Pain in the chest or armpit area



(Hinta sisältää toimistomaksun)

Voimassa Helsingin toimipisteessämme vain 13.1., 15.1. ja 18.1.2022.

Varaa aika arkisin etukäteen numerosta 044 414 4000. Limited appointments.

Emme tee gynekologisia ultraääniä.

Mammografia + ultraääni


(Hinta sisältää toimistomaksun)

Voimassa Helsingin toimipisteessämme vain 13.1., 15.1. ja 18.1.2022.

Varaa aika arkisin etukäteen numerosta 044 414 4000. Limited appointments.

Mammografia vaatii lääkärin lähetteen.